Surgical gowns
Surgical gowns
1. Introduction.
Zaza Medical is a company that manufactures and markets all kinds of products for the sanitary protection of both workers in the sector and patients. These products can be purchased by the government health department or by private institutions that have the status of any medical centre, such as a hospital or a health centre.
The amount of production, in general, will be variable, some examples are the non-sterilized gowns, which, we can produce a total of 50K, but in the case of the sterilized, due to its difficulty, the production drops considerably to about 30K.
But, if an exceptional situation occurs as is happening in recent times, it is possible to make an increase in the deduction. Our factory dates from 2019, with a total area greater than 3,000 square meters, with around 1,000 square meters as outdoor spaces.
A total of 120 people work within our factory. So you are in charge of giving the maximum of their capacity in each workday. But without neglecting at any time all the regulations regarding production, much less losing sight of all the health regulations that are currently in force due to the Coronavirus crisis.
Our supervisors are in charge of ensuring that the factory is in the best conditions for both cleanliness and hygiene. Thus, we will guarantee that the products have good possible sterility.
The star product that we are going to point out in this article is the surgical gowns.

2- Surgical gowns.
Surgical gowns are gowns that help us to protect the whole body for health workers who work with patients who are a bit delicate.
On our website we can find three possibilities, the difference is that two of them are reformulated and the other is not. The material is the same, polyethene. The colour will always be blue, so there will be no problem with your choice. We can find gowns of these types sterilized and not sterilized.
The difference between the two reinforced gowns is that in one case the maximum gr is 55 and in the other case 45.
Keep in mind that they are all disposable, so if we put them in the correct container, there will be no problems.
3- Conclusion.
In conclusion, Zaza Medical is a website that is dedicated not only to the sale of products but also to their manufacture so that the government and proven health organizations can purchase products related to the health sector. The sale is not only for the UK, but they can do it internationally.
With all this, the star product that we have talked about in this article is Surgical gowns, it does not matter if without sterilized or not, we have to point out a total of 3 types. Two reinforced that differ in grand the other smooth.